среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

VIC:Vic Liberal MP in hiding overseas

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC:Vic Liberal MP in hiding overseas

MELBOURNE, Aug 3 AAP - A Victorian Liberal MP is hiding overseas after her house was
sprayed with bullets by a man allegedly chasing a $5000 drug debt owed by one of her sons,
a court has been told.

Lorraine Wreford, who won the key seat of Mordialloc from Labor at November's state
election helping to change government, has fled overseas in fear of her life, The Age

Premier Ted Baillieu has told the paper he knew of the police investigation and court
proceedings, and was confident Ms Wreford would return to Australia in time for the resumption
of parliament on August 16.

The Baillieu government has a one-vote majority in the lower house, with 45 Coalition
MPs to Labor's 43.

A detective told the Melbourne Magistrates Court that six men had been arrested over
the incident on July 5. The gunman was released on bail.

Further comment is being sought from the government on Wednesday.

AAP jxt/jlw/it


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

FED:Tobacco giant to fight plain packaging

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Tobacco giant to fight plain packaging

A tobacco giant says the federal government may have to pay billions of dollars in
compensation to cigarette firms if it brings in plain olive green packaging.

Health Minister NICOLA ROXON will unveil draft legislation today requiring tobacco
companies to print their brand name in a specific font.

But British American Tobacco Australia .. whose brands include Winfield .. Dunhill
and Benson & Hedges .. say the government's proposal infringes on international trademark
and intellectual property laws.

BATA argues alcohol and fast food companies wouldn't stand having their branding taken
away from them and say plain packaging will encourage a black market in tobacco.

AAP RTV saj/jcd/nap


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

VIC:Security guard 'ashamed' over sex assault

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC:Security guard 'ashamed' over sex assault

A Coles security guard in Melbourne is due to be sentenced today .. after pressuring
a young shoplifter into having sex with him.

26-year-old Turkish national ONUR YILDIRIM has pleaded guilty to two charges of sexual
penetration of a 16-year-old child who was under his care .. supervision and authority.

The County Court had heard YILDIRIM saw the girl shoplift from Coles in Knox City in
July .. and told her if she offered him sex .. he wouldn't report her to police.

He'd told the court it's the most shameful act he'd committed on another person.

AAP RTV jxt/pmu/tm/ajw/wz


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

VIC:Fires survivor pleads for land buybacks

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC:Fires survivor pleads for land buybacks

By Jamie Duncan and Edwina Scott

MELBOURNE, Aug 9 AAP - Premier John Brumby should risk defeat at the Victorian election
and impose compulsory land buybacks in high fire risk areas, a Black Saturday survivor

The Bushfires Royal Commission final report released last month recommended a non-compulsory
state acquisition scheme for landowners wanting to sell in high-risk flame zones.

The government is yet to provide its full response to the commission's 67 recommendations
until consultations have concluded, but Mr Brumby said communities had so far failed to
back the idea.

"There's very little support for a whole range of reasons," Mr Brumby told reporters on Monday.

But he would not detail any arguments launched by communities against the scheme, saying
the consultation process was not due to finish until the end of the week.

Black Saturday survivor Marlene* from Kinglake pleaded with Mr Brumby to put the future
of Victorians in fire-prone districts ahead of his government's fate at the November 27
state election.

"If he does a compulsory buyback, he'll lose his job. The election will swing the other
way. It will be a complete upheaval in the community," she said.

"Leadership comes at a cost sometimes. It may be at his personal cost and it may be
at the cost of his party at the election but what if there was another fire and those
policies were in place to better protect those people who were immediately homeless?

"When he's sitting in his armchair he may reflect on how many lives he affected in
a positive way in the decades to come."

Marlene's house and many others in her street were razed in the February 7 fires that
killed 173 people across the state including dozens in the Kinglake region.

Initially she declared she would rebuild but a year later, with new house plans ready,
she changed her mind, fearful her block would always be too vulnerable.

Marlene has since moved to a safer site nearby.

"There are people that don't want to stop rebuilding. They want to live in the flame
zone, and you're dealing with their democratic choice," she said.

"I don't know how you navigate that path, but I would hope there was some true leadership.

I wish that expert reason would override the emotional impulse to rebuild."

Opponents, though, say a buyback could kill off some communities and could put other
properties at risk by leaving neighbouring blocks unattended.

On Monday, Mr Brumby told reporters that improved communications and the need for a
clear position on roadside clearing were emerging as key concerns at each community forum
held around the state.

"Whether that's mobile phone towers, whether that's better internet, whether that's
issues with digital radios, that's come through very strongly," he said.

Parliamentary debate on the royal commission's final report is due to begin on Tuesday.

* not her real name

AAP jrd/goc/apm


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Vic: National holiday road toll rises to 59

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: National holiday road toll rises to 59

Eds: Reissuing to correct headline


New South Wales 19

Victoria 16

Queensland 9

Western Australia 8

Tasmania 4

South Australia 2

Northern Territory 1

Australian Capital Territory 0



(EDS: National road toll figures are for the period 0001 December 18 to 2359 January
3. Some states and territories have different periods.)

AAP df


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Qld: Police launch Mt Isa murder investigation

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Police launch Mt Isa murder investigation

By Angela Harper

BRISBANE, Aug 18 AAP - Police have launched a murder investigation after an attack
on an elderly couple in northwest Queensland left a man dead and his wife gravely injured.

The couple's daughter called police after discovering her 82-year-old father dead and
her 71-year-old mother badly injured at their home in Pelican Road, Mount Isa, about 9am
(AEST) on Monday.

It is understood the daughter at first thought her mother, who had lain with serious
head injuries next to her husband's body for several days, was also dead.

The woman is in a serious condition and remains in an induced coma in intensive care
in Mount Isa Base Hospital.

More than 30 police, including officers sent from Townsville and the homicide squad
in Brisbane, are conducting a doorknock as part of the huge investigation.

Inspector Paul Biggin, who is leading the police team, would not reveal how the man died.

"We are in a very critical part of the investigation and we need to ensure ... that
information remains only with the offender," Insp Biggin told AAP.

He said the injured woman is a vital link in the police inquiry as she may have seen
and spoken to the perpetrator.

"Due to the nature of her injuries it still may be some time before she can talk to
investigators," he said.

It is understood the couple had lived at the address for about 30 years.

Police are asking for public assistance as the investigation continues.

AAP ahe/pjo/jhp


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Highway patrol not depleted by bikie gang squad - police

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Highway patrol not depleted by bikie gang squad - police

SYDNEY, April 8 AAP - A police crackdown on NSW bikie gangs won't mean fewer highway
patrol officers on the NSW roads this Easter weekend, Deputy Commissioner Dave Owens says.

NSW Police on Wednesday launched Operation Tortoise, their annual Easter holiday weekend
crackdown on speeding and other offences.

Double demerit points will be in force from midnight on Wednesday night until 11.59pm
(AEST) on Monday, with police hoping to emulate last year's holiday road toll of zero.

But with the year's road toll at 115, up from 100 at this time in 2008, the NSW opposition
says the seconding of highway patrol officers to other police operations, such as the
bikie crackdown Strike Force Raptor, has left the roads under-manned this Easter.

Mr Owens disputed the claims there would be insufficient highway patrol officers.

"We don't talk specific numbers but there will be a significant increase in highway
patrol officers working over this Easter break," Mr Owens told reporters in Sydney on

"Operation Raptor is targeting the bikies, and we make no apologies for that.

"The highway patrol officers attached to Raptor are on the road to detect offences
- that includes the bikies and it includes street racing."

Mr Owens said more police resources would be pumped into rural areas, because 75 per
cent of the increase in the road toll this year had occurred in non-metropolitan areas.

"We will be putting more resources into the rural areas to reduce the road toll in
those areas," he said.

"We have saturation through Operation Tortoise.

"It is not just highway patrol officers that will be targeting these offences, it is
every police officer in NSW."

Police are hoping for a repeat of last Easter when no one died on the state's roads
for the first time since statistics began to be collected in 1949.

"We had no fatals last Easter, I would be a very happy police officer if we could do
that again this year," Mr Owens said.

"Our focus is on excessive speed, drink or drug driving, driver fatigue, not wearing
a seatbelt and not wearing a helmet.

"If every driver in NSW sticks to the speed limit, wears seat belts, takes regular
breaks and doesn't drink and drive, it will go a long way towards minimising our Easter
road toll and getting our annual road toll figures back on track."

Double demerit points apply for all speeding, helmet and seatbelt offences.

AAP ab/wjf/ht


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Mastermind ran drug ring from maximum security cell

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Mastermind ran drug ring from maximum security cell

A prisoner in a New South Wales maximum security jail has been caught allegedly running
a 250-thousand dollar drug trafficking operation from his prison cell using a smuggled
mobile phone.

Police say they intercepted more than 19 thousand calls between May 1 and June 11 this
year .. an average of 460 calls a day.

The calls allegedly involved discussions of highly organised criminal activities.

A series of dawn raids were launched across Sydney and Melbourne today .. with police
arresting seven men allegedly involved in trafficking a quarter of a million dollars of
cocaine .. ice and cannabis interstate.

The inmate .. who cannot be identified .. will be charged with at least 15 serious
drug and criminal group offences tommorrow.

AAP RTV cjb/ka


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

StudioNow and Clear Channel Partner for Online Video and Ad Solutions

Wireless News
StudioNow and Clear Channel Partner for Online Video and Ad Solutions

WIRELESS NEWS-May 17, 2008-StudioNow and Clear Channel Partner for Online Video and Ad Solutions (C)2008 10Meters - http:// www.10meters.com

StudioNow, an online source for creating professional-quality video sales solutions at affordable prices, announced a partnership with Clear Channel Radio to create engaging video and display advertising that allows online listeners to connect with local merchants in communities across the U.S.
The agreement enables local Clear Channel stations to offer customized online ad solutions to local advertisers and further monetize the company's vast array of on-demand content, from music videos to exclusive artist performances to locally-created webisodic station content.

Clear Channel provides local businesses with access to growing online communities via its network of more than 800 radio station websites, encompassing a monthly online audience of approximately 11 million unique visitors according to comScore / Media Metrix. Clear Channel is also the number one at-work streaming radio network according to comScore/Arbitron, and its listeners stream upwards of 10 million pieces of on-demand content across Clear Channel's online network each week. StudioNow, since its inception last year, has created thousands of online videos for local businesses, including restaurants, hotels, day spas, retail shops, auto mechanics and others.

"We've successfully connected thousands of local advertisers with our listeners, in categories ranging from automotive to dining and entertainment, recruitment to real estate," said Evan Harrison, executive VP of Clear Channel and head of its online music and radio unit. "This partnership gives our stations the tools to keep up with creative demand by building cost-effective professional-quality online video ads for our local advertisers."

"Video, the number one online advertising growth category, is transforming the Internet environment and changing the way audiences of all ages visit, view and purchase online," said David Mason, CEO, StudioNow. "By working with StudioNow, Clear Channel will give their stations and advertisers the ability to harness the power of video as a branding solution and to generate sales, sign-ups and downloads."

((Comments on this story may be sent to newsdesk@closeupmedia.com))

((Distributed via M2 Communications Ltd - http://www.m2.com))

(Copyright M2 Communications Ltd. 2008)

NSW: NSW north coast faces weekend of wild weather

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: NSW north coast faces weekend of wild weather

By Crystal Ja

SYDNEY, Dec 28 AAP - Holiday-makers on the NSW north coast face a weekend of wild weather,
with a tropical low creating bouts of torrential rain, strong winds and five-metre-high

The State Emergency Service (SES) is advising those north of Yamba, including the holiday
hotspots of Byron Bay and Tweed Heads, to prepare for a glum New Year's Eve, weather wise.

A tropical low, currently developing over the Coral Sea, east of the Whitsunday Islands,
is expected to move south-east and intensify on Sunday.

Strong south-easterly coastal winds could create waves at least five metres high and
beach erosion was likely, the SES said.

A powerful east to south-easterly swell was also expected to accompany the winds, peaking
on Sunday.

"It looks like a pretty lousy New Year's Eve for people up on the north coast. It'll
be an indoor celebration I think," SES spokesman Phil Campbell told AAP.

"It'll be pretty wet and windy otherwise."

Some beaches may close and holiday-makers are advised to stay out of the water, Surf
Life Saving Australia said.

Mr Campbell urged campers not to set up near water courses, to check river conditions
regularly and not drive or walk through flood waters given the expected rain.

Meanwhile, thunderstorms over parts of NSW last night brought lightning, flash floods
and hail, but the SES reported little damage to homes.

"We didn't get much in terms of action from the thunderstorms ... a couple dozen requests
for assistance. It was very, very quiet," Mr Campbell said.

The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) predicted heavy rains and flash flooding in the Hunter
and Central Tablelands, Illawarra and western parts of Sydney yesterday, but two of the
biggest storms managed to bypass populated areas, a BoM spokesman said.

The Blue Mountains area reported most of the action, with Falconbridge receiving 25mm
of rain within 10 minutes at 1pm, causing localised flash flooding.

A large amount of small hailstones also fell in Lithgow and Katoomba, he said.

AAP cj/hn/ht/mn


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Aussies in Mexico warned to prepare for hurricane

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Aussies in Mexico warned to prepare for hurricane

CANBERRA, Aug 20 AAP - The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has warned
Australians in Mexico to prepare for the onset of Hurricane Dean.

Mexican authorities were today evacuating some 90,000 tourists from Cancun and other
islands of the "Mayan Riviera", with the Category 4 hurricane set to slam into the Yucatan
peninsula tomorrow.

A DFAT spokesman said the Australian High Commission in Trinidad and Tobago was contacting
Australians in Saint Lucia and Jamaica, where storm damage and flooding has been caused
by the hurricane.

The Australian Embassy in Mexico City was distributing a travel bulletin to registered
Australians in areas of Mexico likely to be affected by Dean, the spokesman said.

The travel bulletin advises people to: "identify their local shelter, monitor local
media reports, and follow the instructions of local emergency officials."

AAP pj/sb/cp/de


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Rates hold shows need for experienced govt, Howard

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Rates hold shows need for experienced govt, Howard

JOHN HOWARD says the Reserve Bank's decision to leave interest rates on hold .. is
evidence of the need for an experienced and skilled government.

The PM says the decision on whether or not to raise rates remains with the RBA.

But he says in order to produce the best possible climate to keep interest rates down
.. experience .. balanced policies .. strong budget surpluses .. and a strong and rapidly
expanding economy are needed.

AAP RTV sl/jlw/wf/bart


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Rudd to hold press conference at 1pm today

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Rudd to hold press conference at 1pm today

CANBERRA, Dec 4 AAP - New Labor leader Kevin Rudd and deputy Julia Gillard will hold
a media conference about their win at 1300 (AEDT) today.

Mr Rudd was elected leader by the Labor caucus this morning by 49 votes to 39 over
incumbent Kim Beazley.

Ms Gillard was elected unopposed.

AAP mfh/sb/ks/nf


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Tas: Search for remaining miners continues

AAP General News (Australia)
Tas: Search for remaining miners continues

BEACONSFIELD, Tasmania, April 28 AAP - Rescue crews are today continuing the grim task
of searching for two miners trapped in a Tasmanian gold mine.

Hopes of bringing the two men out alive are slim after the body of a third miner was
recovered yesterday.

The remaining miners ae Todd Russell, a footballer and father of three in his 30s,
and Brant (Brant) Webb, 37, from nearby Beauty Point.

The pair have been trapped almost one kilometre underground at the Beaconsfield Gold
Mine, about 40 km north-west of Launceston, since Tuesday night when an earth tremor triggered
a rockfall.

The body of their colleague, Larry Paul Knight, 44, of Launceston, was located using
a remote-controlled camera early yesterday and retrieved just after 8pm (AEST).

Acting Sergeant Anthony Roughan said today that crews had worked through the night
drilling a second tunnel to access the miners. The task is expected to take up to five

"At the instruction of the coroner, a second tunnel has been drilled and is being drilled
now," he told AAP.

"The town of Beaconsfield has a rescue centre and was operating 24 hours until last
night. It's open at eight o'clock this morning currently for family and friends until
the matter is resolved."

AAP cmb/ce/ao


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

понедельник, 27 февраля 2012 г.

Obama’s economic agenda: Boost U.S. competitiveness

WASHINGTON — Under pressure to energize the economy, President Barack Obama said Saturday he will use his State of the Union address to outline an agenda to create jobs now and boost American competitiveness over the long term.

Heading quickly into re-election mode, Obama is expected to use Tuesday's prime-time speech to promote spending on innovation while also promising to reduce the national debt and cooperate with emboldened Republicans.

"I'm focused on making sure the economy is working for everybody, for the entire American family," Obama said Saturday in an uncommon preview of his speech, offered up in an online video to his supporters late Saturday afternoon. The president announced that the economy would be the main topic of his speech, a nod to how important that issue is to the country's standing and his own as well.

At the halfway point of his term, Obama said the economy is on firmer footing than it was two years ago: it is growing again, albeit slowly, while the stock market is rising, and corporate profits are climbing. But with the unemployment rate stubbornly stuck above 9 percent, Obama will signal a shift Tuesday from short-term stabilization policies toward ones focused on job creation and longer-term growth.

Obama offered no details on specific proposals he will call for in his address, though he has offered hints in recent weeks.

In his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday, Obama also highlighted free trade as a way to increase U.S. exports and put Americans to work.

"That's how we'll create jobs today," Obama said. "That's how we'll make America more competitive tomorrow. And that's how we'll win the future."

Obama's challenge will be to find the money and political will to spend it, at a time when he's pledged to reduce spending and tackle the mountainous debt.

Chuck BurtonChuck BurtonJ. Scott ApplewhiteJ. Scott ApplewhiteJ. Scott Applewhite

ADP Claims Services Completes Acquisition of AutoVista; Combined Assets Expand and Accelerate Claims Gateway Automotive Claims Technology.

Business Editors

SAN RAMON, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 16, 2002

ADP(R) Claims Services Group today announced the completed acquisition of the AutoVista(TM) claims line of business from ComputerLogic(R). The AutoVista assets will be integrated with ADP's Claims Gateway initiative, expanding their technology solution provided to the automotive claims industry and its clients.

"ADP is committed to quickly delivering a broad base of advanced claims management solutions that help those in the automotive claims industry shorten claim cycle time and deliver exemplary service," said Gary Nixon, senior vice president of ADP's automotive claims services. "Now, with AutoVista's technology and web-based resources, we are in a very unique position to quickly deliver this exciting technology."

According to Nixon, this strategic decision resulted from an extensive evaluation of several emerging businesses and their technology solutions. "AutoVista's superior technology and agile development capabilities made it a clear choice for helping us deliver these features and services more quickly," he explained.

AutoVista provides Internet-based claims processing solutions to insurance companies, collision repair facilities, and independent appraisers. ADP's Claims Gateway, a web-based claims management tool, groups products and services together to provide a single communication link among all parties in the automotive claims process, including insurance companies, independent appraisers, collision repairers, automotive recyclers, and their vendors.

"Over the past year, we've devoted significant strategic and financial resources to further develop Claims Gateway. As we continue to implement Claims Gateway, it will act as the backbone for the claims cycle, enabling all participants who touch the automotive claims process to connect at a single point," said Nixon. "We're very excited that the acquisition of AutoVista gives us the impetus we need to accelerate our Claims Gateway initiative."

ComputerLogic, Inc., headquartered in Macon, Georgia, is a leading international provider of technology driven products that facilitate communication, knowledge management, and e-commerce.

ADP Claims Services Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (NYSE:ADP), is a leading provider of integrated business solutions for clients in the property and casualty, general health, collision repair and automotive recycling industries. ADP, with approximately $7 billion in revenues and over 500,000 clients, is one of the largest independent computing services firms in the world.

ADP Claims Services Group is headquartered at 2010 Crow Canyon Place, San Ramon, California 94583; 925/866-1100.

воскресенье, 26 февраля 2012 г.

New Domain E.xxxtensions Expected to Cause a Stir - 123-reg Now Taking Pre-orders for .xxx Before General Release.

London, UK (PRWEB) July 28, 2011

Businesses operating in the online adult industry and companies who want to safeguard their brand identity, are being invited by the UK's leading registrar 123-reg, to register a .xxx domain as pre-orders for the X-rated extension go on sale.

The extensions have been hotly-debated for some time, however many industry professionals, including ICM Registry, view the extensions as a positive step in 'cleaning up' the adult entertainment industry. Adult industry site owners will now need to get a .xxx domain to become a trusted site and online security authority McAfee will be vetting all sites who apply for the domains. This will ensure these sites are free from malware and other internet threats.

The decision for releasing the URL extension, by 123-reg, comes after extensive customer auditing, to ensure that the majority of its clients would be happy with the new release. As part of its research in both the UK and Europe, the registrar learned that many welcomed the extension as it will provide some form of censorship to the industry by clearly identifying adult sites, which in turn could discourage the accidental opening of adult content.

Other feedback outlined that the extension could help to filter content on the internet by in effect adding a stamp of authenticity to an adult site. Despite the negative connotations attached to the adult industry, many respondents also accepted it as a thriving sector which deserves its own credible domain extension.

123-reg is also advising businesses who want to safeguard their brand identity to register a .xxx domain which can either be left redundant or forwarded through to their current company URL. This will ensure that the extension is not bought by a competitor and used negatively against the brand.

Commenting on the extension release, Thomas Vollrath CEO of 123-reg, said: "The extension specifically for the adult industry has been a taboo subject since it was first debated and as such we have worked closely with our customers to hear and consider their views. Our decision to release the extensions for sale was always dependent upon the findings of our research, and our feedback in the UK and Europe, was overwhelmingly positive (71 per cent said yes).

"We are expecting quite an influx of sales for these extensions, so my advice to any company be it in the adult industry, finance or even retail sectors, is to register fast."

There are three ways to pre-order a .xxx domain* and the process is entirely dependent upon who is making the registration and how the domain will be used.

Stuart Lawley, President and CEO of ICM Registry, added: "We are delighted that 123-reg has become a reseller for .xxx names. We are committed to the positive impact the new domain extensions will have on 'cleaning up' the adult industry and as such for every domain registered we will be donating $10 to children charities via the Child Online Support Foundation."

Further details can be found by visiting http://www.123-reg.co.uk.

Issued on behalf of 123-reg by Punch Communications. For further information contact Georgina Dunkley or Ben Leuty on 01858 411 600 or by emailing georgina.dunkley(at)punchcomms(dot)com or ben.leuty(at)punchcomms(dot)com.

Notes to editors

123-reg is the UK's top domain registrar, registering every fifth .co.uk domain. It's a market leader in domain name registration (2.7 million domains) and web hosting solutions. With extensive experience of the industry, the company is able to offer high quality, technically advanced yet cost-effective products to a wide range of customers. 123-reg UK was voted third most popular web host in July 2010 by Web Host Directory and ninth in its Best Ten Web Hosting awards (April 2010). http://www.123-reg.co.uk is part of the UK's leading web hosting group and 2010 Sunday Times Deloitte Buyout Track 100 company, Webfusion. The group also consists of http://www.webfusion.co.uk, http://www.corporate.webfusion.co.uk. http://www.donhost.co.uk, http://www.supanames.co.uk and http://www.hosteurope.de each making every step of setting up online as easy as 1, 2, 3.

*Registering a .xxx domain

There are three ways a .xxx domain can be registered.

*     Sunrise -- this process is open to any trademarked company or existing domain in the adult industry. Non-adult trademark owners can also apply as well to protect their brand. The Sunrise period runs for 30 days from September 7. If more than one adult trademark owner applies or existing domain applies, it will be taken to an external auction which is operated on behalf of the .xxx registry. Sunrise runs from now until the domains are submitted in September.

*     Landrush -- this is a premium time for businesses or brands that are not trademarked to register a .xxx domain. The landrush period runs for 10 days from October 24. Due to the competitive nature of this period, should one or more company opt to register the same domain, it will be taken to an external auction which is operated on behalf of the .xxx registry.

*     General availability pre-orders -- 123-reg is now taking pre-orders on .xxx domains on a first come, first served basis which will be submitted when the registry goes live on December 6.

# # #

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/7/prweb8670721.htm

Microsoft puts Office in the world of 'cloud'.

SEATTLE: Microsoft is making its biggest move into the mobile, Internet-accessible world of 'cloud' computing this week, as it takes the wraps off a revamped online version of its hugely profitable Office software suite.

The world's largest software company is heaving its two-decade old set of applications -including Outlook email, Excel spreadsheets and SharePoint collaboration tools - into an online format so that customers can use them on a variety of devices from wherever they can get an Internet connection.

It wants to push back against Google, which has stolen a small but worrying percentage of its corporate customers with cheaper, web-only alternatives, which remove the need for companies to spend time on installing software or managing servers.

"It's obvious that Microsoft has to do this if they're going to remain competitive with Google," said Michael Yoshikami, chief executive of money manager YCMNET Advisors. "It's something they have to do." Microsoft shares rose 3.7 per cent on Monday, the largest gain in a single trading day since September, partly buoyed by hopes that it can ultimately boost profits by extending its software dominance to the growing cloud sector.

"If they execute effectively and it's adopted, it could be a game changer," said Yoshikami. "Whether or not that will happen is a whole other story," he added further.

Growing market

The market for web-based software services is heating up, and every company, government department and local authority is getting pitches from Microsoft and Google whenever they reevaluate their office software. It's a new challenge for Microsoft, which built itself up on expensive versions of software installed on individual computers. That business model turned the Office unit into Microsoft's most profitable, earning more than $3 billion alone last quarter.

Microsoft's plan is to make up for smaller profit margins from web-based applications - due to the cost of handling data and keeping up servers - by grabbing a larger slice of companies' overall technology spending.

Microsoft, like Google, will host users' data remotely, and maintain all the servers in vast data centers. Unlike Google, it will also allow companies to put their data on dedicated servers if they choose, or keep the data on their own premises.

The full launch of Office 365 will spice up the lively competition with Google for new users.

Earlier this month, Google snagged InterContinental Hotels Group as a major customer, moving 25,000 of its employees onto Google email from Outlook.

Muscat Press and Publishing House SAOC 2011

Provided by Syndigate.info an Albawaba.com company



A pair of pending acquisitions is reshaping the HR software landscape and rekindling debate regarding the future of applications for managing people.

SuccessFactors Inc. is buying Plateau Systems for $290 million in cash and stock, while Lawson Software Inc. is being acquired for $2 billion and combined with business software provider Infor.

The moves signal the rise of publicly traded SuccessFactors as a comprehensive talent management technology provider while also ending Lawson's run as an independent vendor of human resources and other business software.

Jason Averbook, CEO of consulting firm Knowledge Infusion, sees the developments as a watershed moment for human resources software. In his view, the news indicates the decline of enterprise resource planning, or ERP, software, which refers to business management applications that typically include a core HR system for tracking employee data and often are installed on customer computers.

At the same time, Averbook says, the acquisitions highlight the emergence of a new era in human capital management software in which core HR systems are tied to talent management tools and delivered via the Internet.

The pending acquisitions are the latest in a flurry of activity in HR software. Industry consolidation can result in stronger, more stable vendors--a benefit for customers. But tie-ups can pose technical challenges for acquirers as they try to digest the applications they gobble up. Deals can also lead to the death or stagnation of preferred products, as new owners push customers of the acquired vendor to move to a different application.

The HR technology field also has been wrestling with the best approach for delivering people management software tools. SuccessFactors is a vocal advocate of software as a service over the Internet, while Lawson has provided its applications as a service on customer computers.

HR software sales rose roughly 9 percent last year to nearly $8.8 billion, according to Forrester Research. And as companies seek to optimize the ways they manage and develop employees, spending is expected to keep growing. Forrester projects that sales of HR applications will reach almost $12 billion in 2014.

Much of the HR software spending is in the area of "talent management," which refers to key tasks such as recruiting, learning, compensation and employee performance management. In recent years, companies have sought to buy more than one talent management tool from a single vendor, leading to a rush for software providers to offer an integrated suite of talent management applications.

Plateau Systems is one of the highest-rated vendors of learning management systems, which track employee training. SuccessFactors has lagged in the learning arena, though it recently bought Jambok Inc., which makes software for creating learning content.

According to SuccessFactors, the Plateau deal should be finalized this summer. With Plateau, SuccessFactors will strengthen its hand against other talent management rivals.

SuccessFactors and Plateau overlap in some product categories, including performance management. Some Plateau customers use software that runs on their own computers. That raises the possibility that SuccessFactors will stop supporting those "on-premises" Plateau applications, but Adrienne Whitten, director of product marketing at SuccessFactors, says her firm does not plan to require those customers to switch.

Lawson is being acquired by GGC Software Holdings Inc., which is an affiliate of Golden Gate Capital and Infor. Golden Gate Capital is a private equity firm, and Infor is one of its portfolio companies. The deal is expected to close in the third quarter.

In the past few years, Lawson has pushed to increase its visibility and competitiveness against the biggest vendors in the business software field, Oracle and SAP, in part through new HR apps.

Lawson, Oracle, SAP and Infor all fit the ERP software category, offering a range of business management tools. Paul Hamerman, a principal analyst at Forrester Research, says the Lawson acquisition is part of a broader consolidation among makers of business management apps.

Infor, which has acquired a number of companies in recent years, has developed a reputation for not investing in products. Indeed, Averbook predicts the Lawson products could be headed toward a decline. Infor, though, has fought its caretaker reputation. Earlier this year, the 8,000-employee company said it would hire about 400 additional software developers.

Lexy Martin, director of research and analytics at consulting firm CedarCrestone Inc., adds that Infor "is a different animal these days."

Copyright 2011 Crain Communications Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Advisers take dim view of BrightScope; They claim the firm publishes incomplete, outdated information.

Byline: Jessica Toonkel

BrightScope Inc.'s new free website, which allows investors to look up financial advisers, already has sparked controversy.

A number of advisers claim that the firm is publishing incomplete information and charging them if they want to fix it.

Last Tuesday, BrightScope launched Advisor Pages, which allows consumers to search for advisers according to a number of criteria, such as geographic region, assets under management and firm. The pages also include information on legal disputes and formal complaints.

BrightScope aggregated the data by tapping public information from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc.'s BrokerCheck database and the Securities and Exchange Commission's investment adviser database.

But some advisers said that their profiles are incorrect because BrightScope is relying on public information that is incomplete or in some cases out-of-date.

Specifically, the advisers claim that their profiles understate their assets under management because ADVs filed with the SEC include assets under management only for registered investment advisers. This means that not all of the assets of dually registered advisers, known as hybrid advisers, are disclosed on the site, advisers said.

BrightScope's site states that his firm has $12 million in assets under management.

In a survey conducted last week by InvestmentNews, 84% of 205 advisers said that their assets under management weren't correct on the BrightScope site.

According to BrightScope's site, Nancy Caton, an independent adviser with Raymond James Financial Services Inc., has $88 million in assets under management. But she said that she actually has assets under management of $189 million.

Even Ms. Caton's RIA business has $104 million in assets under management, and that was in her latest ADV, filed March 31.

"Prospective clients -- particularly big ones -- look at how much assets under management you have to see if you can handle their business," she said. "It's important that this information is correct."

BrightScope's pages are based on ADV data as of the end of last year, and the firm said that it is updating that data.


If advisers want to change their assets under management or anything other than their disciplinary history, state registrations, regulatory oversight, exams and employment history, they can pay to do so, said Ryan Alfred, co-founder and president of BrightScope.

For $100 per month per adviser or $250 per month per firm, subscribers can change information such as assets under management.

They can also add a photo, a description of their services, links to articles in which they have been quoted, blogs, social-networking-site profiles and recognitions that they have received, he said.

But Ms. Caton said that charging advisers to fix misleading information feels like extortion.

"They are basically saying, 'We are going to report what's easiest to get, and if you want to change it, pay for it,'" she said.

BrightScope will change any information on the site if it isn't in the adviser's ADV, Mr. Alfred said.

"If they want to supplement what's publicly available about them, that's great, but that's beyond the scope of what we do for free," he said.

Mr. DuVarney called BrightScope and asked if he wasn't willing to pay, if he could opt out of the site. He was told no.

"I feel like I am being held hostage by BrightScope," Mr. DuVarney said.

Advisers also complained that because the site relies on ADV information, it can look like they are new to the business.

For example, the site says that Flynn Zito Capital Management LLC was established in March 2010, but that is the date that the firm filed as an RIA, said Doug Flynn, one of the advisers who founded the firm. He and his partner formed the company in 1997 under LPL Financial Inc. but decided to run it as its own RIA last year.

Mr. Alfred said that he would be happy to work with Mr. Flynn to update that kind of information. Mr. Flynn said that he won't pay to update his information on the site.

"If someone is going to choose us because they take information from the Internet as truth, then they are probably not going to be a great client," he said.

Mr. Alfred acknowledged that many advisers may not want to pay for the service right now.

"However, if we are successful in getting large volumes of consumer traffic, I think some advisers may change their minds," he said.

BrightScope hopes that the Advisor Pages will shed some light on the need for Finra and the SEC to improve their disclosure processes.

"[Advisers'] problems are less with us and more with the form and the regulator," Mr. Alfred said. "That said, we do everything in our power to resolve their concerns."

Copyright 2011 Crain Communications Inc. All Rights Reserved.

суббота, 25 февраля 2012 г.


JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md. -- The following information was released by Andrews Air Force Base:

by Airman 1st Class Bahja J. Jones

11th Wing Public Affairs

Each Airman starts his or her Air Force career with mandatory First Time Airmen Center training upon arrival to their first duty station. Nervous and excited, Airmen sit in the week-long course listening to briefings, receiving a tremendous amount of information that will give them the initial understanding of what is required of them as they begin their Air Force journey.

After leaving extreme training environments, where the instructors "scare you into submission," generally, Airmen aren't sure what to expect upon arrival into the "real Air Force." So when Tech. Sgt. Martin enters the room, warm and excited to provide guidance to eager new Airmen, it is no wonder she is being recognized for her outstanding service as an FTAC NCOIC.

Tech. Sgt. Kenya L. Martin, 11th Force Support Squadron First Term Airmen Center non-commissioned officer in charge was awarded the Air Force FTAC NCOIC of 2010 award for her outstanding performance as an FTAC instructor here. This recognition is the highest distinction an FTAC NCOIC can receive Air Force wide.

Sergeant Martin has been in the Air Force for 11 years serving as an aerospace physiology technician, special air missions flight attendant, and now the FTAC NCIOC.

"I could not think of anyone more deserving of this honor. She is a true professional who embodies the concept of service. She goes above and beyond to assist in our Airmen's transition to a mission-oriented mindset," said Senior Master Sgt. Tamar S. Dennis, 11 FSS career assistance advisor. "Her role does not end when the Airmen complete FTAC. She is a constant in their professional growth and continues to actively mentor them in their development."

As the FTAC NCOIC here, Sergeant Martin has developed a number of programs to better assist new Airmen into their Air Force careers.

"Each Airman receives 28 hours of mandatory briefing in accordance with Air Force Instruction, and five additional locally mandated hours of instruction, said Sergeant Martin.

Sergeant Martin developed the first Air Force FTAC informational reference booklet that Airmen can take with them when they leave. The booklet contains various points of contact, office hours for services provided on base, important retraining dates and websites, College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST) preparation guides, Sexual Assault Response Coordinator and Chapel information, she said.

"I enjoy being able to do my NCO duty; taking care of and mentoring Airmen," said Sergeant Martin.

In her classes, Sergeant Martin stresses the importance of being a 'professional' at all times.

"A professional in the sense of continuing your education, striving to become a subject matter expert at your job, and mindful of the importance and what it means to be in the profession of arms," said Sergeant Martin.

Sergeant Martin holds two associates degrees; one in aerospace physiology instruction (CCAF) and another in biotechnology from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. She also graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelors of Science in Aeronautics from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. She is currently in the application progress with George Washington University and University of Maryland Medical School, she said.

"The Air Force leadership has made it clear to the enlisted force that in order to progress in rank you must have your CCAF. The Education and Internet Technology Briefing curriculum both stress the importance of getting CDC's and CCAF complete in order to be successful in the Air Force," said Sergeant Martin. "According to the 'little brown book,' NCOs must exceed the standards and expectations levied upon their Airmen; so in order to truly say that I lead by example, I have to go above what I've challenged."

Sergeant Martin has been the FTAC NCOIC here since Jan. 2009. Her 2-year contract was extended due to the 11th Wing merger, and she will continue to be the FTAC NCOIC until Feb. 2012.

"Tech. Sgt. Martin is a good instructor, and the NCOIC of the year was well deserved," said Airman 1st Class Dakota Long, 11th Civil Engineer Squadron heavy equipment operator. "She is a great teacher and mentor to new, young Airmen."

"Technical Sgt. Martin has continually lived up to our motto "Poised...Proud...Ready!" She is always ready to take care of our newest Airmen (Poised), exhibits through her uniform and interactions (Pride) and always excels in all tasks because she is always (Ready)!" said Chief Master Sgt. Robert L. Castellano, 11 FSS superintendent. "And that is why Tech. Sgt Martin is the best in the Air Force."

M&I Bank Provides Financial Relief to Wisconsin Flood Victims.

MILWAUKEE, June 18 /PRNewswire/ -- M&I Bank has announced it will provide several forms of financial assistance to people affected by the record rainfall and flooding in Wisconsin. Short-and long-term relief will be offered to affected individuals.

The assistance will allow customers to defer up to two payments on installment loans such as auto loans, home improvement loans, leases, and credit cards.

For both new and existing customers, preferred pricing will be available on various loan products for those who qualify. All closing costs will be waived.

"So many families have financial concerns as a result of these oppressive flooding conditions," said Tom O'Neill, senior vice president, Marshall & Ilsley Corporation. "Our goal is to do what we can to help them get through this difficult time."

Special guidelines have been established to determine qualifications for assistance. For payment arrangements on existing loans, call M&I Bank at 1-888-600-9327, and ask for the Flood Relief Program. For new loan inquiries, call M&I Direct at 1-800-642-2657.

M&I Bank is an affiliate of Marshall & Ilsley Corporation , a diversified financial services corporation headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis., with $63.4 billion in assets. Founded in 1847, M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank is the largest Wisconsin-based bank, with 193 offices throughout the state. In addition, M&I has 51 locations throughout Arizona; 32 offices in Indianapolis and nearby communities; 31 offices along Florida's west coast and in central Florida; 15 offices in Kansas City and nearby communities; 25 offices in metropolitan Minneapolis/St. Paul, and one in Duluth, Minn.; and one office in Las Vegas, Nev. M&I's Southwest Bank subsidiary has 17 offices in the greater St. Louis area. M&I also provides trust and investment management, equipment leasing, mortgage banking, asset-based lending, financial planning, investments, and insurance services from offices throughout the country and on the Internet (http://www.mibank.com/ or http://www.micorp.com/). M&I's customer-based approach, internal growth, and strategic acquisitions have made M&I a nationally recognized leader in the financial services industry.

CONTACT: Tom O'Neill, senior vice president of Marshall & Ilsley Corporation, +1-414-765-7721

Web site: http://www.mibank.com/ http://www.micorp.com/

пятница, 24 февраля 2012 г.

5 things we learned from ...

Byline: Chris McNamara

"Rescue From Domestic Perfection: The Not-So Secrets of Balancing Life and Style" by Dan Ho (Bulfinch, $19.99 paper)

Dan Ho's philosophy is as simple as his name: Less is more. Ho, labeled the "anti Martha" by Time, is a lifestyle expert in the truest sense. His second book attempts to address one's entire life, with broiled lamb recipes beside basement-organization strategies.

1. Focal points are foolhardy. "You can be neither cozy nor intimate in a room where the color, furniture and accessories have been intentionally placed so that a mirror . . . demands your attention."

2. Metal vegetable steamers are ideal to steam hamburger buns. "It's downright garish to have a professional kitchen if you don't feed at least 30 people a day."

4. Heirlooms should be maintained but not necessarily by you. "If your misguided sister won't use it, find a cousin and tell him or her how important it is that he or she help carry on the family history."

5. "Think of your annuals as mobile plants." Move them to different locations as the seasons change.


(c) 2006, Chicago Tribune.

Visit the Chicago Tribune on the Internet at http://www.chicagotribune.com/

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The [pounds sterling]12,000 phone bill a magician can't make disappear; Husband fights 3,793-page demand for 230,000 calls over 15 days.


THERE are few people who have not flinched at the size of their phone bill.

But imagine Nic Picot's horror when a BT demand for nearly [pounds sterling]12,000 arrived at his door - all 3,793 pages of it.

Mr Picot, a professional magician, has been charged for more than 230,000 calls totalling more than 155 hours - roughly one every three seconds at 4.2p each.

They were made during a 15-day period to a number from the family's fax line. But Mr Picot is refusing to pay the bill, insisting he uses the line only for incoming faxes.

Mr Picot, 52, a married father of one, said: 'We thought it was a joke when the itemised bill arrived. It was so big it had to be delivered by courier and my wife wasn't even able to pick it up.

'I have been ringing BT to tell them there has been a mistake, but I always end up speaking to different people and they just keep telling me that I have to pay it.

'Something has to be wrong because I only ever use that line to receive faxes for work.

Now BT have started sending me threatening letters telling me that unless I pay it they will cut me off.' Mr Picot, who once performed at one of Prince William's birthday parties at Kensington Palace, was on holiday in Egypt when the first calls were made to the number for Demon Internet on July 16.

On his return to his home in Watford he says he received a call from BT to say that his phone bill was going to be around [pounds sterling]4,000.

But Mr Picot claims the BT worker was unable to say whether the bill was for the normal phone line or the separate fax line - for which he usually pays [pounds sterling]99 a quarter.

It was only two weeks later, when a non-itemised bill arrived for [pounds sterling]11,704.75, that he discovered the calls had been made on the fax line and unplugged it.

He requested an itemised bill and found that he had been charged [pounds sterling]9,868.49 for call charges and a further [pounds sterling]1,836.36 for service and VAT. The total call time was 155 hours, 10 minutes and 28 seconds.

Mr Picot has come up with a possible explanation. He has a device called an ISDN router plugged into his computer.

The router, much like a modem, connects a computer to the Internet and can send out information through the phone line.

Mr Picot believes the router spontaneously started dialling up the Demon number.

The fact that his bill shows around 20 calls per minute - each lasting a few seconds without ever connecting to the number - suggests-some kind of equipment malfunction.

A Demon spokesman said: 'Our technical teams have been in touch with Mr Picot and it appears that a piece of equipment has been dialling the Demon number.

'We have never had any problems with Mr Picot and we hope the matter can be resolved.' Mr Picot added: 'I have been trying to resolve this with BT but at the moment they are being very unsympathetic. We shouldn't be made to pay for calls that haven't been made deliberately. If I had been making hundreds of calls across the world then fair enough.

But I run a small business with my wife and there is no way I could afford to pay this.

'I just want the whole thing to be sorted out because at the moment I cannot sleep for the worry.' A spokesman for BT insisted Mr Picot was responsible for equipment attached to the phone line.

He said: 'Although Mr Picot was unaware that short calls were being made to Demon Internet by his computer at a such a frequent rate, customers are responsible for any equipment connected to BT's lines.

'Mr Picot could have checked his itemised account at any time at www.bt.com or by calling us and we could have put an immediate stop on the line. As a goodwill gesture, however, we have agreed to reduce his bill by a third.' Mr Picot maintains that he should not have to pay the bill and plans to refer the matter to the telecoms ombudsman.


четверг, 23 февраля 2012 г.

Ashford Hospitality Trust Originates $11 Million Mezzanine Loan on the Westin Westminster.

DALLAS -- Ashford Hospitality Trust, Inc.:

Transaction Highlights:

-- $11 Million Mezzanine Loan Bears Interest at a fixed rate of 14%

-- Increases Loan Portfolio to $76 Million and 16% of Total Assets

Ashford Hospitality Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AHT) today announced it has closed on an $11 million mezzanine loan to Inland Pacific LLC on The Westin Westminster in Westminster, Colorado.

Maturing in September 2011, the loan bears interest at a stated rate of 14%, with the interest rate fixed at 12% in the first two years with a share of available cash flow not to exceed the stated rate of 14%, and fixed at 14% thereafter. Loan payments are interest only throughout the seven-year term. Ashford received an origination fee of 1%. The mezzanine loan may be prepaid at any time in whole or in part subject to a prepayment penalty.

Commenting on the announcement, Monty J. Bennett, President and CEO of Ashford Hospitality Trust, stated, "The Westin Westminster is a well-positioned property with a very solid brand and the highest quality rooms in the market. This loan is another great example of our ability to find lending opportunities that combine very attractive yields with strong credit profiles while at the same time keeping our investment at relatively low loan-to-value levels. This transaction also highlights Ashford's unique ability to be the preferred capital provider to the lodging industry in that we offered four different transaction alternatives to meet Inland Pacific's needs."

Financing on The Westin Westminster includes a first mortgage of $30.5 million by CIBC and the $11 million mezzanine loan originated by Ashford. Ashford's mezzanine loan represents between 57% and 78% of the borrower's capital structure. The trailing 12-month debt service coverage ratio for the entire loan is 1.30.

The 14-story, 369-room Westin opened in April 2000 and is located halfway between downtown Denver and Boulder on the Boulder turnpike approximately five miles from Interlocken Advanced Technology Business Park, home to Sun Microsystems, Avaya Communications, Level 3 Communications and StorageTek. The hotel is also conveniently located to a number of retail shops, theaters, restaurants, golf courses and the country's largest ice arena.

The hotel complex includes a 35,694-square-foot conference center and 4,800-square-foot pavilion that are leased from the City of Westminster along with approximately 30,000 square feet of additional exterior meeting space overlooking a lake and the Rocky Mountains. The Westin Westminster also features a business center, gift shop, one restaurant, indoor swimming pool, exercise facility and high speed internet access in all guestrooms. Starwood Hotels & Resorts manages the property.

Ashford Hospitality Trust is a self-administered real estate investment trust focused on investing in the hospitality industry across all segments and at all levels of the capital structure, including direct hotel investments, first mortgages, mezzanine loans and sale-leaseback transactions. Additional information can be found on the Company's web site at www.ahtreit.com.

Certain statements and assumptions in this press release contain or are based upon "forward-looking" information and are being made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties. When we use the words "will likely result," "may," "anticipate," "estimate," "should," "expect," "believe," "intend," or similar expressions, we intend to identify forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the impact of the financing on our business and future financial condition, our business and investment strategy, our understanding of our competition and current market trends and opportunities and projected capital expenditures. Such statements are subject to numerous assumptions and uncertainties, many of which are outside Ashford's control.

These forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated, including, without limitation: general volatility of the capital markets and the market price of our common stock; changes in our business or investment strategy; availability, terms and deployment of capital; availability of qualified personnel; changes in our industry and the market in which we operate, interest rates or the general economy; and the degree and nature of our competition. These and other risk factors are more fully discussed in Ashford's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The forward-looking statements included in this press release are only made as of the date of this press release. Investors should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. We are not obligated to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or circumstances, changes in expectations or otherwise.

Lightbridge to Present at the Sixth Annual Needham Growth Conference.

Business Editors/High-Tech Writers

6th Annual Needham Growth Conference


Lightbridge, Inc. (Nasdaq: LTBG), a global enabler of mobile and online business solutions, today announced that Lightbridge CFO, Harlan Plumley, will present at the Sixth Annual Needham Growth Conference on January 6, 2004 at 2:00P.M. EDT. This event will be held at The New York Palace Hotel, 455 Madison Avenue, New York, New York.

For reservations and more information concerning the Sixth Annual Needham Growth Conference, please call the Needham Sales Desk at 1-800-926-2765 or email your contact information to register@needhamco.com.

About Lightbridge

Lightbridge is a global enabler of mobile and online business solutions, offering software and services designed to maximize the lifetime value of customers, minimize risk, and drive profitability. Lightbridge real-time applications qualify customers, assess credit, screen for fraud, authenticate customers, monitor transaction behavior, and limit identity theft.

Since 1989, Lightbridge has helped wireless carriers reduce the risks associated with 'faceless transactions.' Today's Lightbridge is applying that carrier-grade reliability and scalability to global e-businesses that want to minimize online customer risk with effective, efficient automated processes. Our combined solutions and services create a trusted environment for customers, while safeguarding business information and transactions. Businesses supported by Lightbridge have the competitive ability to translate prospects into profitable lifetime customers, whether transactions are completed on wired, wireless, or Internet devices. Visit us at http://www.lightbridge.com or call 800-LIGHTBR.

LIGHTBRIDGE and the Lightbridge logo are registered trademarks of Lightbridge, Inc.

среда, 22 февраля 2012 г.

Intelsat's Alliance with BT Expands Reach of its IntelsatONESM Terrestrial Network.

Interconnection of MPLS-based fiber networks offers expanded hybrid satellite-terrestrial delivery solutions to media customers of both companies

LUXEMBOURG & LONDON -- Intelsat S.A., the world's leading provider of fixed satellite services, announced it has formed an alliance with BT that expands the reach of its IntelsatONE terrestrial network to new locations in Europe, Africa and Asia.

The Intelsat and BT media fiber alliance interconnects Intelsat's MPLS-based IntelsatONE fiber network, which consists of fiber and points of presence (PoPs) located in major cities and teleports with BT's MPLS-based Global Media Network (GMN). The two networks will initially interconnect in New York and London.

The alliance will develop and market seamless, next-generation managed media solutions with global terrestrial and satellite reach that operate across two complementary media networks.

BT's GMN has PoPs and gateways in more than 20 international cities worldwide. Having access to those strategic locations enables Intelsat to extend the reach of IntelsatONE to media customers operating in new locations in Europe, Africa and Asia. Additional PoPs include Rome, Paris, Lagos, Johannesburg, Sydney, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur and Mumbai.

Conversely, the alliance enables BT to take advantage of IntelsatONE gateways in North America and add Intelsat teleport and satellite offerings to its GMN solutions.

The combined offering provides a seamless end-to-end global media programming delivery solution for major broadcasters, rights owners and media distributors.

Occasional Use (OU) and special events customers will enjoy access to the BT Tower video switch. There are future plans to backhaul feeds from BT's GMN fiber nodes. This can be combined with access to dedicated OU capacity on Intelsat's global satellite fleet for both SD and HD applications.

Full-time customers will be able to develop their own point-to-point and point-to-multipoint private network solutions between nodes on the BT and Intelsat fiber networks for contribution applications. They will also have access to Intelsat's portfolio of teleport hosting and MCPC solutions from BT's global GMN fiber locations.

"This strategic alliance with Intelsat allows our mutual customers to enjoy services across both the IntelsatONE and BT GMN networks as if they were provided by a single service provider," said Mick Hammond, BT's Director of Fixed Network Operators & Media Services. "BT's existing customers will be able to gain improved accessibility to our network from North America. They also will benefit from Intelsat's teleports in the United States and Germany, and its global satellite fleet."

"This agreement is another strategic development designed to enhance our global delivery infrastructure offered by IntelsatONE," said Tim Jackson, Intelsat's VP of Media Product Management. "We pick up the content where it makes the most sense for the customer, and deliver it where it needs to be delivered, via the right combination of satellite and terrestrial links. The alliance expands our ability to deliver a wider range of services from more PoPs, offering optimal flexibility, reliability and cost efficiency."

Media attending SATELLITE 2011 are encouraged to attend Intelsat's press briefing in Room 103B at the Washington Convention Center. The event takes place Tuesday, March 15, 11am - noon, and will be attended by Intelsat CEO Dave McGlade and CTO Thierry Guillemin.

For further information


Enquiries about this news release should be made to the BT Group Newsroom on its 24-hour number: 020 7356 5369. From outside the UK dial + 44 20 7356 5369. All news releases can be accessed at our web site: http://www.btplc.com/News

About BT

BT is one of the world's leading providers of communications solutions and services operating in more than 170 countries. Its principal activities include the provision of networked IT services globally; local, national and international telecommunications services to our customers for use at home, at work and on the move; broadband and internet products and services and converged fixed/mobile products and services. BT consists principally of four lines of business: BT Global Services, Openreach, BT Retail and BT Wholesale.

In the year ended 31 March 2010, BT Group's revenue was 20,911 million. British Telecommunications plc (BT) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BT Group plc and encompasses virtually all businesses and assets of the BT Group. BT Group plc is listed on stock exchanges in London and New York. For more information, visit www.bt.com/aboutbt

BT Group plc Registered Office: 81 Newgate Street London EC1A 7AJ Registered in England no. 1800000

BT Group Communications BT Centre 81 Newgate Street

About IntelsatONE

Powered by Cisco, IntelsatONE is a global, terrestrial architecture consisting of an IP/MPLS-based network, fiber, teleports and PoPs. It is fully integrated with Intelsat's industry-leading global satellite fleet, providing a single source for converged voice, video and data solutions. More information is available at www.intelsat.com/IntelsatONE/index.asp.

About Intelsat

Intelsat is the leading provider of fixed satellite services worldwide. For over 45 years, Intelsat has been delivering information and entertainment for many of the world's leading media and network companies, multinational corporations, Internet Service Providers and governmental agencies. Intelsat's satellite, teleport and fiber infrastructure is unmatched in the industry, setting the standard for transmissions of video, data and voice services. From the globalization of content and the proliferation of HD, to the expansion of cellular networks and broadband access, with Intelsat, advanced communications anywhere in the world are closer, by far. For more information, please visit www.intelsat.com.

Intelsat Safe Harbor Statement: Some of the statements in this news release constitute "forward-looking statements" that do not directly or exclusively relate to historical facts. The forward-looking statements made in this release, reflect Intelsat's intentions, plans, expectations, assumptions and beliefs about future events and are subject to risks, including known and unknown risks. Detailed information about some of the known risks is included in Intelsat's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended 31 December 2010 and Intelsat's other periodic reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Because actual results could differ materially from Intelsat's intentions, plans, expectations, assumptions and beliefs about the future, you are urged to view all forward-looking statements contained in this news release with caution. Intelsat does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

вторник, 21 февраля 2012 г.

EyeBuyDirect CEO Roy Hessel Speaks at 2011 eTail West.

New York, NY (Vocus/PRWEB) February 18, 2011

EyeBuyDirect, the leading online retailer for high-quality, stylish and affordable prescription eyeglasses, today announced its CEO and Founder Roy Hessel will speak at the 2011 eTail West Conference in Palm Desert, CA February 22-25.

Delivering two engaging and informative keynote sessions, Hessel will pose the controversial, albeit necessary, question: Does the marriage between Facebook and E-Commerce create a bear hug approach or golden opportunity for retailers? Ranked as the #1 social media site in the world with more than 600 million users worldwide, Facebook's willingness to share personal information and data has changed the marketing and sales strategies for Internet retailers.

"eTail West is a highly respected industry event that's known for bringing top-notch thought leaders, innovators and game changers in the e-commerce and retail space," says EyeBuyDirect CEO Roy Hessel. "I'm thrilled to add my voice to this dialogue and hope to help brands and retailers find new, unique ways to tailor their business, marketing and sales strategies in line with new emerging technologies and social media."

To learn more about Hessel's speaking engagements at eTail West, visit each session below.

February 22: Email Marketing, Personalization & Segmentation Summit

Keynote Session (8:45 a.m.): Taking Advantage of Customer Data to Create Personalized Customer Experiences

February 23: CEO/President Retail Summit

Keynote Session (12:10 p.m.): Ebusiness Turns Personal: How Can Online Retailers Gain From the Rapid Personalization of Customers

About EyeBuyDirect

EyeBuyDirect is the leading online retailer for prescription eyeglasses committed to bringing optimal vision to customers around the world without sacrificing quality, style and, most importantly, affordable prices. Launched in 2005, EyeBuyDirect believes that vision care is a fundamental right for everyone. Offering an assortment of eyeglasses that run the gamut from functional and sturdy to fashion-forward and lightweight, EyeBuyDirect has something for everyone. For more information, please visit us at http://www.EyeBuyDirect.com.


Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/facebook/e-commerce/prweb8146195.htm

Xiam Recommendations Technology to Help Power Telefonica's Personalized Customer Experiences.

BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 14, 2011 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Xiam Technologies Ltd., a Qualcomm company and leading provider of discovery and recommendations solutions, today announced an agreement with Telefonica to integrate Xiam's recommendation technology into its multi-channel touch points. This initiative will enable Telefonica to provide its customers with content, services and offers uniquely tailored to their individual needs and interests across all of their connected devices. By identifying relevant and interesting content, Xiam's technology will help Telefonica address the needs of their more than 300 million subscribers across Europe and Latin America.

Telefonica announced today that they will initially launch the Xiam solution within its multi-platform applications folder. The applications folder will use Xiam's technology to deliver recommendations tailored to the needs, interests and preferences of their customers across all their connected channels, including Web, mobile and IPTV. The service will be launched this year in seven Telefonica territories, including Spain, United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Telefonica also plans to expand the integration of Xiam's technology into a range of additional services, such as music, video and customer rewards, so as to offer a truly customer-centric approach.

"We believe that by delivering content and services tailored to each individual across various channels, we will improve the overall customer experience for each of our subscribers," said Tanya Field, director of Mobile Data Group for Telefonica. "We are pleased to be working with Xiam to provide our users recommendations and personalized services that are best-in-class."

Xiam's recommendations technology helps consumers discover the content and services they want and enjoy while simultaneously enabling marketers to reach the audiences most likely to engage with their products and offers. Using Xiam's solutions, service providers can increase end user engagement and drive adoption of new applications and services. The technology uses a range of sophisticated algorithms and decision making techniques to identify the service, content, offer or event most likely to address an individual's needs at that precise moment and in the precise context in which they are interacting with their service provider.

"With the vast range of choices available today, we understand that consumers find value in getting a more personalized experience across all touch points, and that presenting relevant offers increases engagement and strengthens loyalty, " said Colm Healy, vice president and general manager of Xiam Technologies. "Xiam helps service providers establish and maintain a one-to-one conversation with each of their customers by enabling them to discover a range of content and services across different channels, platforms and devices."

About Xiam

Xiam Technologies, a Qualcomm company, is a leading provider of software solutions for the marketing of digital content and services through its Discovery and Recommendations solution. Xiam's recommendations technology enables service providers to proactively promote the discovery and usage of all types of content and services through the real-time delivery of personalized offers tailored to the individual subscriber's interests, across their connected devices. Xiam has a proven track record of delivering superior performance partnered with some of the largest operators in the United States and Europe. For more information, please visit: www.xiam.com.

About Qualcomm

Qualcomm Incorporated (Nasdaq: QCOM) is a world leader in 3G and next-generation mobile technologies. For 25 years, Qualcomm ideas and inventions have driven the evolution of wireless communications, connecting people more closely to information, entertainment and each other. Today, Qualcomm technologies are powering the convergence of mobile communications and consumer electronics, making wireless devices and services more personal, affordable and accessible to people everywhere. For more information, visit Qualcomm around the Web:


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Email: corpcomm@qualcomm.com

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SOURCE Qualcomm Incorporated