четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

QLD: Govt is covering up true syringe numbers, Oppn says

AAP General News (Australia)
QLD: Govt is covering up true syringe numbers, Oppn says

The Queensland opposition is accusing the government of covering up a blow-out in the
number of syringes being distributed through state needle exchanges.

Opposition health spokeswoman FIONA SIMPSON says the public has a right to know the growth
of needle exchange volumes in their local communities, and there should be an independent
audit of the program.

Ms SIMPSON was speaking after newspaper reports about the Brisbane City Council conducting
a review of illegal drug use after more than 3,000 used syringes were found in a suburban

She says Health Minister WENDY EDMONDhas refused to answer questions in parliament on the
issue as far back as November last year.

Ms SIMPSON says she has asked parliamentary questions after receiving anecdotal evidence
there has been a doubling in the number of syringes handed out on the Sunshine Coast over the
past year.

AAP RTV sd/lm/jn


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